Don't have a BEP-20 compatible wallet. Easily create a MetaMask wallet today using our step-by-step guide. Prefer to use something other than MetaMask, find a wallet that suits your needs. Already have a wallet and are ready to ROLL, please proceed to the next step below.
Check your wallet balance. You will need at least 20 USDT and some BNB for gas + fee. Note: RickRoll (ROLL) Token investors may invest any amount between 20 and 50,000 USDT.
Click the “Connect Wallet” button. A Bitbond window will appear. Select your MetaMask, or any other BEP-20 compatible, wallet
Tick the box of your wallet containing at least 20 USDT and some BNB for gas + fee. Then click “Next” and “Connect”.
You are now connected to the RickRoll (ROLL) Token Sale. In the right hand corner, where the “Connect Wallet” button previously displayed, verify your wallet is connected to the smart contract. Bitbond will use this wallet to suggest transactions.
Scroll down the page until you see a red box and the “Invest” button. Making an investment requires the completion of TWO STEPS:
Step one: Click "Invest", enter a custom spending cap, click "Next" and "Approve"
Let’s complete step one. Click the "Invest" button.
Enter a spending cap amount between 20 and 50,000 USDT in the field provided. You will allow Bitbond to use this maximum amount during investing.
Click “Next”, then "Approve" your spending cap request. This will write a smart contract in the BNB blockchain and cost some gas.
Wait for a few seconds… Your spending cap request is being written to the smart contract.
You will be taken back to the top of the RickRoll (ROLL) Token Sale. Scroll down the page to where the red box and "Invest" button are located. The button should now read "Submit Investment".
If not, reload the page until the button reads "Submit Investment".
Depending on network availability this can take some time. Changes to the smart contract have to be written in the blockchain. Step two: Enter investment amount, click "Submit Investment" and "Confirm"
Let’s now complete step two and submit your investment amount. Enter your approved spending cap in the "Your investment amount in USDT" field. Then click the "Submit Investment" button.
Your wallet will appear and display a $1 Bitbond service fee + gas, click "Confirm".
Wait for a few seconds… The smart contract is recording your transaction in the BNB blockchain
You will be taken back to the top of the RickRoll (ROLL) Token Sale. Scroll down the page to where the "Your investment amount in USDT" and "Submit Investment" button are located. The button should now read "Invest".
If not, reload the page until the button reads "Invest". Your transaction is being processed.
Depending on network availability this can take some time. Changes to the smart contract have to be written in the blockchain.
Continue to reload the page until the “invest” button appears. It takes a couple of minutes for Bitbond to show your investment. The amount of USDT you invested so far in the RickRoll (ROLL) Token Sale will display directly above the “invest” button after it appears.
Your investment is now reserved until the Bitbond certified smart contract token release. See the "Distribution" section in the Whitepaper for further details.
If you would like to invest again and increase your holdings. Simply follow the instructions above.
Thank you for your investment in the RickRoll (ROLL) Token Project.